Dr. Bao Lam Awarded Meritorious Scientific Achievement Award in Grain Legume Research

Congratulations to Dr. Bao Lam Huynh in his achievement of receiving the Meritorious Scientific Achievement Award in Grain Legume Research, which was recently announced in the February 2023 edition of the Feed the Future brochure!

Dr. Huynh is currently an assistant professional researcher in the Roberts lab, here at UC Riverside, and has received this award on several points of merit. The criterion for this award is as follows: 

● Is a PI, Co-PI, or project collaborator on a Legume Lab funded project
● Has had a productive internationally recognized career in grain legume research
● Has effectively collaborated internationally with Legume Lab scientists and advanced science in grain legumes
● Has contributed to the development of technologies, management practices and/or new knowledge that have benefitted stakeholders of grain legume value chains from rural smallholder farmers to consumers in developing countries and possibly the U.S.

The photo (above), provided by Jan Fierro, depicts, from left to right: Robin Buruchara, Joyce Mulila-Mitti, Bao Lam Huynh, Barry Pittendrigh, & John Medendorp.

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