Latest News for 2023

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Infectious Roundworms Brought to Light in Recent News

In recent news, a 64-year-old woman was found to have a roundworm, typically found in pythons, nesting in her brain after exhibiting various strange symptoms. Nematology department faculty members Dr. Simon "Niels" Groen and Dr. Adler Dillman were both asked to weigh in on this unusual find and provide some insight into the types of...

Dr. Bao Lam Awarded Meritorious Scientific Achievement Award in Grain Legume Research

Congratulations to Dr. Bao Lam Huynh in his achievement of receiving the Meritorious Scientific Achievement Award in Grain Legume Research, which was recently announced in the February 2023 edition of the Feed the Future brochure! Dr. Huynh is currently an assistant professional researcher in the Roberts lab, here at UC Riverside, and has received this...

Dr. Ole Becker Elected as Fellow by the Society of Nematologists

Congratulations to Professor Ole Becker who was elected Fellow of the Society of Nematologists in recognition of his contributions to research in integrated management of nematode diseases of plants. The Fellow Award was given at the Society of Nematologists Annual Meeting in Anchorage Alaska in September 2022.